Our Philosophy

Humans are made up of a complex network of interconnected systems. At Emme House we believe chronic pain, stiffness and injury is always linked to another system out of balance. No system works alone or heals alone.

Emme House lives, breathes and thinks according to the Body Ecosystem Hierarchy. We focus on optimising all body systems and ensuring they function harmoniously. By doing so, we provide the best environment to support the body’s innate desire to heal and be well.

01. Brain

Physical / Mental Stress - Vagus Nerve Tension Myoneural Syndrome (Hypoxia)

02. Lymphatic

Superficial / Deep

03. Gut

Gut and Mucous Associated Lymphoid Tissue

04. Vascular

Microcirculation Stagnation

05. Nerves

Especially Peripheral

06. Organs

Lungs / Liver / Kidneys Primarily

07. Endocrine

Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal Axis / Hormonal

08. Musculoskeletal

Muscle / Fascia / Ligament / Joint

09. Local Tissue

Injury Site / Pain

The Hierarchy depicts the systems order of importance to the body. A system of lower importance can be sacrificed to save or protect a system higher up.

This means that if you are stuck in fight, flight, stress mode your neck might hurt. If your lymphatic system is backed up with waste and toxins and you have insufficient blood flow carrying oxygen and nutrients, you may experience nerve pain. If you have digestive issues such as constipation or bloating it might delay injury healing of any body part.

Our multi-system approach means we not only resolve pain and injury, but also sleep, mood, brain function, energy levels, menstrual cycle, digestion and stress response. 

Listen to your gut,

make an appointment today